One or both of the adrenal glands are removed with the help of adrenalectomy surgery. The adrenal gland is two small glands located above the kidney. They work by extracting hormones from the body that help regulate the immune system, metabolism, blood sugar level, and blood pressure as well as regulate many bodily functions.
Adrenalectomy surgery may be performed if there is a tumor in the adrenal gland or any serious disease.
What is the adrenal gland?
Adrenal glands are endocrine glands leading to hormone production. It is also important for the body, because, without hormones, many functions of the body can be hindered. The sex hormone and cortisol are produced from this gland. Cortisol responds to stress, while at the same time playing a role in other body functions.
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When is adrenalectomy surgery needed?
Most adrenal tumors do not cause cancer. If the tumor is producing more hormones or is larger in size (more than 4 to 5 cm), adrenalectomy surgery may be needed to remove your adrenal gland. If the tumor can cause cancer, then in such a situation you may need this surgery. In addition, it may also be necessary to remove (metastasis) cancer from other organs, such as the kidney or lungs.
The risk
What do I need to know before having adrenalectomy surgery?
Adrenalectomy surgery is not safe for everyone. Due to this coagulation may increase the risk of disorder (blood clotting). Also, this surgery cannot be done without the determination of hormonal activity.
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What are the side effects of adrenalectomy surgery?
There may be some problems during this surgery, which we are talking about below, such as:
May have bleeding problems
May cause infection
May cause high blood pressure
Anesthesia may cause interactions.
Other organ injuries
Blood clots may freeze
How should I prepare myself for adrenalectomy surgery?
Surgeons will use anesthesia during surgery. Which may cause you to faint. Your doctor can give you instructions about what to eat and what not to eat before surgery. You also have to fast for six to eight hours before the surgery.
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What is the procedure done in adrenalectomy surgery?
The process of this surgery may take up to three to five hours.
Adrenalectomy surgery can be performed as open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. The method of laparoscopic surgery reduces your risk of infection and also takes less time to heal.
Open adrenalectomy surgery
If your adrenal gland or tumor is very large, your surgeon may opt for open adrenalectomy surgery. The surgeon will make large incisions under the ribcage (ribs) or along the sides of your body during the procedure of open adrenalectomy surgery.
With the help of these incisions, the surgeon inserts a camera inside your body. Which shows the cavity of your stomach on a monitor. Which the doctor will fill with gas.
After that, with the help of incisions, the surgeon will secure the blood veins by cutting the glands of your stomach with the tools. Surgeons will remove the abdominal glands from your body through a plastic bag.
Laparoscopic surgery
Doctors use general anesthesia in the procedure of laparoscopic surgery. This operation takes 3 to 4 hours. During this procedure, surgeons make 3 small incisions on the sides of the abdomen. Which can be up to 1 cm. Out of which the doctor inserts a small camera inside the abdomen, which is connected to a monitor. Surgeons begin the operation with the help of 3D images shown on it.
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What happens after adrenalectomy surgery?
After completion of the adrenalectomy surgery, you will be placed in the recovery room. Where the doctor’s team will take care of your health. When you come out of the effect of anesthesia, you will be rested and shifted to a regular hospital room.
If you have had an open adrenalectomy surgery, you will have to stay in the hospital for four to five days after the surgery. However, if you have laparoscopic surgery, you will be able to return home after two to three days. You may feel pain after the surgery at the cut site. Also, swelling and cramps may also occur.