Common symptoms in schizophrenia patient

Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disease. This disease can completely change the life of the patient if not treated well. Peoples with this disease can completely lose the touch with the real world. The suicide and violence rate in schizophrenic patients is very high. Early treatment can help in the recovery of the patient.

Following symptoms can be found in schizophrenic patients.

.The patient will hear voices in his mind. He will start talking with himself just like he is talking with someone.

.Patient will tell his guardian that someone is ordering him.

.Patient may report seeing something unusual like that is not possible in the real world.

.The patient will feel an unusual type of taste, smell.

.Will believe someone special is in touch with him.

.May report someone is giving him a message through Tv or phone.

.The patient will tell someone is after him for something or he is being followed.

.Schizophrenic may consider his thoughts are being controlled. Someone can know what he is thinking and he can transfer his thoughts to another person.

.Will believe, through his thoughts he can control the peoples or world.

.May believe himself a special person or a messenger of God.

.Patient may strictly believe in false beliefs.

.The patient may start smiling or crying without any reason

.Schizophrenic take high stress and tension on tiny matters.

.A patient talking and thinking behavior will change. He will talk and think differently. When he will talk about something then abruptly he will change the topic and will mix his speech with different topics. Like this patient who was observed by Nancy C. Andreasen “The next day when I’d be going out you know, I took control, like uh, I put bleach on my hair in California.”

.The patient will ignore peoples. His social activities will decrease and he will like solitary. He will spend most of his time at home and will avoid going out to meet peoples.

.The patient will become emotionless. He may not react to the circumstance that can evoke emotions in others.

.The patient’s thinking capability will decrease and he will not be able to deliver the right answer.

.The patients will become depressed and their ability to feel pleasure will decrease.

.Patient will get sleep problems like severe insomnia.

Genetics, environment, substance use is mostly considered a risk factor but precise causes are not clear. If a family has schizophrenic patients then in this family newborns are at risk of developing this disease. Malnutrition or infection during pregnancy can also become a cause. Stress can also play a role in developing this disease. Cannabis use can become a contributing factor in developing schizophrenia.

Antipsychotics medicines are used to treat these patients. These medicines have disturbing side effects. Like blood pressure and diabetes patients schizophrenic patients are required to take these medicines for remaining life but the American Psychiatric Association (APA), advises doctors to stop recommending antipsychotics to those patients who have no symptoms for the last one or two years. Most schizophrenic patients start living a normal life with good treatment. Some of them also recover completely. These patients also required good social support to recover.

Open source vs proprietary software

The term open source refers to software whose source code — the medium in which programmers create and modify software — is freely available on the Internet; by contrast, the source code for proprietary commercial software is usually a closely guarded secret.

The most well-known example of open source software is the Linux operating system, but there are open source software products available for every conceivable purpose.

Open source software is distributed under a variety of licensing terms, but almost all have two things in common: the software can be used without paying a license fee, and anyone can modify the software to add capabilities not envisaged by its originators.

A standard is a technology specification whose details are made widely available, allowing many companies to create products that will work interchangeably and be compatible with each other. Any modern technology product relies on thousands of standards in its design — even the gasoline you put in your car is blended to meet several highly-detailed specifications that the car’s designers rely on.

For a standard to be considered an open standard, the specification and rights to implement it must be freely available to anyone without signing non-disclosure agreements or paying royalties. The best example of open standards at work is the Internet — virtually all of the technology specifications it depends on are open, as is the process for defining new ones.

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a feature of a software application that allows other software to inter-operate with it, automatically invoking its functionality and exchanging data with it. The definition of an API is a form of technology standard. The term open API doesn’t yet have a universally accepted definition, but it’s generally expected to be “open” in the same manner as an open standard.

The common theme of “openness” in the above definitions is the ability of diverse parties to create technology that interoperates. When evaluating your organization’s current and anticipated software needs, consider a solution’s capability to interoperate as an important criterion. To extend the value of your technology investment, select a software solution that is based on open standards and APIs that facilitate interoperability and has the capability for direct integration between various vendors’ products.

How to Become a Reliable Salesforce Implementation Partner?

Organizations irrespective of their size and business domain have realized the significance of having in place a robust CRM system to streamline their processes, ensure operational efficiency while managing their customer relationships. Among all the CRM systems available in the market, Salesforce continues to reign the market with a substantial market share of around 20%. As leaders in the cloud CRM space, Salesforce offers a wide array of features, tools, and components that make it an ideal solution for businesses across different industries.

While Salesforce has become a platform of choice for most businesses, it has its share of shortcomings. To make the most of this platform, proper implementation of this software along with proper customization of available features is required. Irrespective of whether you are experienced or new to Salesforce, you must seek the services of a certified and experienced Salesforce implementation partner to ensure the successful implementation of your CRM system.

However, to become a reliable implementation partner, candidates should attain the necessary certifications. In fact, two exams including that of service and sales cloud could be taken by the candidates to become a successful implementation partner. While both the exams are highly coveted within the Salesforce partner channel and SI partners, the Service cloud holds more value among the two as few individuals hold any certification. Salesforce on the other hand continues to strive toward a holistic approach as it emphasizes the basic Sales cloud.

While no one can deny the tremendous potential, scope, the versatility of Salesforce, and the tools that are designed to help new users become familiar with the system, there’s no match for the knowledge and experience, which an expert implementation partner can bring by conducting on-the-ground, real set-up and administration.

Besides helping users become proficient in handling the system, implementation partners can help maximize the efficacy and efficiency of their CRM-rollout in numerous other areas. Apart from this, implementation partners help users adapt their CRM system to fit their workflow rather than use Salesforce as a generic system that requires users to adapt their processes according to it.


It could be inferred that while engaging the services of an implementation partner allows users to create a Salesforce org that will continue to function now, and after every new release, it’s equally important to check the credentials of your potential partner to ensure implementation success. You may also consider seeking support from a reliable Salesforce consultant.