Open source vs proprietary software

The term open source refers to software whose source code — the medium in which programmers create and modify software — is freely available on the Internet; by contrast, the source code for proprietary commercial software is usually a closely guarded secret.

The most well-known example of open source software is the Linux operating system, but there are open source software products available for every conceivable purpose.

Open source software is distributed under a variety of licensing terms, but almost all have two things in common: the software can be used without paying a license fee, and anyone can modify the software to add capabilities not envisaged by its originators.

A standard is a technology specification whose details are made widely available, allowing many companies to create products that will work interchangeably and be compatible with each other. Any modern technology product relies on thousands of standards in its design — even the gasoline you put in your car is blended to meet several highly-detailed specifications that the car’s designers rely on.

For a standard to be considered an open standard, the specification and rights to implement it must be freely available to anyone without signing non-disclosure agreements or paying royalties. The best example of open standards at work is the Internet — virtually all of the technology specifications it depends on are open, as is the process for defining new ones.

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a feature of a software application that allows other software to inter-operate with it, automatically invoking its functionality and exchanging data with it. The definition of an API is a form of technology standard. The term open API doesn’t yet have a universally accepted definition, but it’s generally expected to be “open” in the same manner as an open standard.

The common theme of “openness” in the above definitions is the ability of diverse parties to create technology that interoperates. When evaluating your organization’s current and anticipated software needs, consider a solution’s capability to interoperate as an important criterion. To extend the value of your technology investment, select a software solution that is based on open standards and APIs that facilitate interoperability and has the capability for direct integration between various vendors’ products.

The Unwanted Firm Male Organ: Hiding the Bulge

An unwanted firm male organ? Some men would say there’s no such thing, but the fact is that in some settings a man really doesn’t want to pop a trouser tent. While a frequent bulge does indicate good male organ health, that same firm male organ that is such a source of pride (and pleasure) in the right environment can be embarrassing in others. Knowing strategies for hiding a sudden bulge can help a guy project the appropriate chill in such situations.

Not just for the over-endowed

Some people may assume that a noticeably firm male organ is something that only men with abnormally large members worry about, but the fact is that almost all guys with members of even modest lengths have experienced a situation where a firm manhood has been conspicuous.

Sometimes that’s exactly what is wanted, of course. But when a man is standing in front of a crowd of people at a conference or making a presentation, he would rather people were staring at his slides. He doesn’t want to be but butt of jokes about just how ‘excited’ he is about his subject!

Consider the wardrobe

One of the most effective ways to hide a firm male organ is to dress in a way that will make it less noticeable:

• Skip the boxers. Loose-fitting underwear tends to make a firm male organ easier to see. Tight-fitting briefs will “compact” things so that there’s less room for the bulge to move and grow. An athletic supporter or dance belt will do an even better job – but for some, the discomfort factor may be too great.

• Go looser on the trousers. Wearing tight pants is an excellent way to show off the thighs and butt – and the bulge. When going out bar hopping and looking to pick up a partner, feel free to go tight. But when going for that job interview, give the manhood a little extra breathing room.

• Don’t be afraid of the dark. Light-colored pants are going to display much more of a bulge than dark –colored ones. Trade in those khakis for a pair of black or navy blue trousers to help keep the focus above the midsection.

• Go casual. For formal situations, a tucked-in shirt is necessary. But in a more casual situation, untuck the shirt and let the long shirttails provide a little extra layer of bulge protection.

Disguise it

If clothing can’t help with the cover up, a guy has to come up with other options:

• Sit down. Tumescence tends to be less noticeable when sitting rather than standing, so grab a chair at that cocktail party until the swelling goes down.

• Hide it. Look for objects that are a little more than waist high and get situated behind them. A high-backed chair, a sofa, a potted plant, a bar – any place that provides a little cover will do. Also effective: holding an object (such as a book or jacket) over the crotch. In some instances, a guy can put his hand in his pocket and create the illusion that the bulge is coming from his hand.

While men may complain about an embarrassing bulge, they still are glad to know that their firm male organ is in good working order. They can keep their manhood healthy by regularly using a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Definitely select a crème that contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid can help fight free radicals, which cause cellular damage that can leave manhood skin looking unappealing. If the crème also contains acetyl L carnitine, so much the better. This supplement works synergistically with alpha lipoic acid, thereby helping to reverse damage to cell mitochondria and leave the member healthier.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

Natural Ways To Detoxify Liver And Boost Overall Health In A Safe Manner

Other than alcohol – auto immune diseases, exposure to chemicals or toxins, diseases of parasitic worms, medication and certain other non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases can raise liver-based life threatening complications. Poor liver function reduces insulin secretions and causes osteoporosis (as it changes the metabolism of vitamin D and calcium). It can cause liver failure, increase blood pressure of the veins which carries blood to the liver, build up fluids in abdomen cavities, cause infections in the abdominal cavities and damage nervous system and the brain (mostly by toxin accumulation in the liver). Natural ways to detoxify liver involve the methods to treat underlying cause of the damage by making changes in lifestyle or eating habits, avoiding alcohol and avoiding harsh medications (e.g. beta blockers, non-steroidal anti inflammatory chemicals, sedatives, opiates).

Natural ways to detoxify liver provided by Livoplus capsules involve a proper set of ingredients to get rid of a number of digestive disorders and cleanse the liver from toxins and infections. E.g. Cichorium Intybus, one of the herbs in the cure, was reported (by European monograph) to be a supportive of digestive functions where it helped in reducing the feeling of abdominal fullness, problem of slow digestion, flatulence and temporary loss of appetite. The roots of the herb can cure a number of ailments, gallstones, sinus, gastroenteritis and bruises.

Commercially, it is used in many herbal liver formulations to boost overall health. Its water extract was tested on rats where its regulated dose could reduce the level of alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase and urea, and increased the level of tissue glutathione. It caused a marked reduction in the number of inflamed liver cells and prevented toxicity induced by galactosamine. It was even effective in reducing liver toxicity and the treatment with the herbal formulation did not show any fat accumulation or necrosis.

Livoplus capsules contain various other herbs such as Solanum Nigrum, Terminalia Arjuna, Boerhaavia Diffusa, Tinispora Cordifolia, Eclipta Alba, Phyllanthus Emblica, Phyllanthus Niruri, Terminalia Chebula, Plumbago Zeylanica etc.

Solanum Nigrum is widely used to get rid of toxicity from body. Terminalia Arjuna was tested in laboratory where its water extract was able to reduce the biomarker of oxidation induced by pro oxidative agent e.g. TERT (by more than 60 percent) to boost overall health. The intake of the herb significantly prevented the rise of GPT and normalized ALP. This could increase hepatic levels of antioxidants to the control levels or above. It was able to reduce toxic effects – oxidation caused by chemicals e.g. cadmium, arsenic, adriamycin and the potency was more than vitamin C in many conditions due to the presence of arjunolic effects.

Terminalia Arjuna, Phyllanthus Emblica and Terminalia Chebula together provide natural ways to detoxify liver and enhance metabolism in a safe way. Phyllanthus Emblica is widely used in ayurvedic cures to lower liver cholesterol and triglycerides. Tests showed it (amount 40 mg per kg) could reduce 10 mg per kg (cholesterol) over 100 days of use in rats. It outperforms vitamin C in many of its effects. It can promote protection to liver to boost overall health and provide improvement in condition in acute case of liver injury in both aging and young rats.